making the distribution

Историята на Gentoo linux, от самия му създател Daniel Robbins. Как се ражда идеята за създаването на gentoo, пътят на развитие на проекта (минал през междинната с-ма Enoch), предизвикателствата и решенията в процеса на разработка на една open-source система.


I quickly saw that writing simple scripts for the kind of automation I needed wasn’t going to be enough. I needed to design a complete system for generating a Linux distribution from scratch. I tentatively called it the ebuild system and got to work. The ebuild system would be able to automatically create all the distribution binaries, automating everything from unpacking and patching the sources to compilation, installation and packaging. After getting a basic ebuild prototype working, I started creating ebuild scripts for the key components of a Linux distribution (like gcc, glibc, binutils, util-linux, and friends). My Stampede development box was gradually turning into my own system, as I redesigned the initialization scripts (basing them on the Stampede initialization scripts that I had previously designed) and testing and installing every new package that I created.

A few months later I had a complete, self-hosted Linux distribution. I named it Enoch and sat back and smiled contentedly. But what became of Enoch, and how did Gentoo Linux evolve? Join me in my next article as I tell the story of how Enoch became Gentoo Linux, and the many new challenges I faced along the way.


оригиналната статия – 1 част
оригиналната статия – 2 част
оригиналната статия – 3 част


Microsoft – Realising potential

Малко ми е „сектантско“, но ето едно мемо(от InternalMemos) от Стив Балмър адресирано до простосмъртните от Мicrosoft, датиращо от 2002г. Ако някой иска, може да преброи колко пъти се споменава фразата „our mission“;-)

Full Text of Ballmer Memo
From: Steve Ballmer
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:47 PM
To: Microsoft and Subsidiaries: All FTE
Subject: Realizing Potential

The executive staff recently spent several days at a retreat where we had some breakthrough discussions about the company’s mission and what we value. We developed a strong consensus about our mission going forward and the values that are its foundation. Simply put, our mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. Today, we use software to help people get there. Over time, this will evolve to be a combination of software and software services. But our mission is not just about building great technology. It’s also about who we are as a company and as individuals, how we manage our business internally, and how we think about and work with partners and customers.

As an industry leader, we have a unique role in the world ‘ unique in the contribution we make and the responsibility that comes with that. Customers expect us to hit a very high bar in terms of product and support quality, delivering on our commitments, and providing excellent customer-focused decision making. Our industry wants us to be more actively engaged and open about who we are, and about our roadmap for the future. Our pending settlement with the DOJ adds new responsibilities that we must deliver on. We are committed to working with the DOJ and other government agencies to ensure the settlement is a success and that our relationship is positive and constructive going forward.
Чети по-нататък ( 14 мин)


Net of the free (a.k.a. „of the free“ – НЕТ(спасиба)!!)

в „земята на свободните“ са гласували поредния закон в полза на свободите на нищо неподозиращото население;-). няма само нормалните телекоми да се подслушват, я – трябва и VoIP, естествено…

това е цитат от SER Users mailing list. публикуван е поради своята „непреходна стойност“;-)

>Hi All.
>I’m located in the US and would like to comply with the Communications
>Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
that Congress passed which
>basically says that VoIP providers should have the ability to wiretap
>conversations for the FBI upon request.
>I use mediaproxy for NAT traversal. So my question is how can I be
>CALEA compliant? I assume I should be able to modify mediaproxy to
>write RTP streams to disk, but I’m unclear on how to „mix“ both sides
>of the conversation.
>Can anyone help with a suggestion?

това далеч не е първата проява на подкрепа за свободолюбивия дух от страна на федералното бюро, по чиято заповед миналата година са били свалени и предадени 20 сървъра със съдържание на медията Indymedia от лондонския филиал на хостинг провайдер.0